Tag: tech

  • Prompt: Public Figures & the AI Lie

    What public figure do you disagree with the most? I haven’t answered one of these prompts in a while. Mostly because they’re usually unanswerable questions, i.e., things not worth talking about, or things I don’t feel like answering. Today’s prompt is all about public figures, and who I might most disagree with. One could say,…

  • Connectivity and Outages

    So here I am writing a new blog post in my notes app, because both ATT and Verizon are experiencing outages. Writing in my notes app, on my phone, because without connectivity, my notes aren’t syncing with the cloud, and both my PC and laptop can’t retrieve them. Because of these simultaneous outages, it’s basically…

  • A Protocol, in the Works

    Before I switched positions and location at my offline job, I was pretty heavily into writing this book. I’m not sure why I’ve been on a cooling-off period for a couple of months in regard to writing it, but that’s how it’s been my whole life. Took me three years to finish the full manuscript…

  • The Year is 1995

    The Year is 1995

    You’re sitting at a wooden desk in front of a mammoth of a PC tower. It’s beige and blocky; the buttons are chunky. Its idling sounds like the low hum of an aircraft taking off, and the hard drive clicks like a woodpecker having a seizure. It’s late November 1995, and you’ve just installed the…