Author: cmdr_nova

  • Neo Machina [01]: From the Dredges

    I’ve decided to start this kind of chronicle. Not really “news articles,” or a magazine, but since I am now, once again, running the city Neo Machina in Second Life, and at a rate that is more affordable, I think it’d be neat to write about it. To write about the happenings, updates, what’s going…

  • Hello, Dexter Morgan: The Show that Came, Went, and Came Back Again

    Hello, Dexter Morgan: The Show that Came, Went, and Came Back Again

    Major spoilers ahead for both Dexter and Dexter: New Blood, for those who still haven’t watched either of them. I want to talk about the show Dexter, a piece of media that was on-track to be one of the greats alongside Breaking Bad (*cough* and the first two seasons of The Walking Dead), and then…

  • Anti-Social Media: Corporations Just Don’t Get it

    I keep trying to like Threads. I know, I know, this is a massively unpopular thing to do on the fediverse, but I tend not to do what other people want me to do until I’ve come to concrete decisions and ideas on my own, through my own experience. There’s a lot of the internet,…

  • Connectivity and Outages

    So here I am writing a new blog post in my notes app, because both ATT and Verizon are experiencing outages. Writing in my notes app, on my phone, because without connectivity, my notes aren’t syncing with the cloud, and both my PC and laptop can’t retrieve them. Because of these simultaneous outages, it’s basically…

  • Initiate the Protocol: Nova Online Now Federating!

    Over the past couple of months, or, since the beginning of the year, I’ve been tinkering around with moving, completely, toward ActivityPub. From taking my Twitter activity and killing it in its entirety so that I can run my instance at mkultra, to replacing Instagram with my Pixelfed, to replacing Youtube with my Peertube, and…

  • You’ve Been Severed

    You’ve Been Severed

    Sometimes I struggle to think of topics to write about on my blog, and as anyone reading might see, the topics are all over the place. In order to continue that tradition, but to keep it in the same kind of theme I’ve been rolling with lately: Liminality. I wrote about the Backrooms and how…

  • New at AyaSys: The Howler!

    New at AyaSys: The Howler!

    For years, and years, I’ve had a secondary store in Second Life. It was first named Horcrux Business Solutions, when its only products were some adboards and an online indicator. Sometime a few years ago, I noticed that, although small, and mostly unknown, it does make sales here and there. So, I decided it should…

  • New at [REVOSA]: Nano Nexus (Void Edition)

    New at [REVOSA]: Nano Nexus (Void Edition)

    Brand new at [REVOSA] (my Second Life store), and after quite a bit of time, the Nano Nexus line of shorts has received a “void” edition! Like previous shorts, this is fit for legacy, reborn, and maitreya, and is colored in ALL BLACK! It has been quite some time since I’ve released anything, and my…

  • The Toll it Takes: Isolation, Transness, & the Disappointment That Are Other People

    I wanted to write a story here, in as much a condensed manner as I can, about things I’ve grappled with, and had going on years ago, and am dealing with the fallout from, even today. But it’s complicated, it’s messy, it’s not fun or happy; it’s not a road I’ve gone down in a…

  • The Backrooms: Fact, or Fiction?

    We’ve all been there. The gas station on the side of the road in the middle of the night, the mall near closing time, your own living space at three in the morning. Liminal spaces. A concept that was a sensation on Tumblr years, and years ago. And then it became something bigger, burst straight…