New at [REVOSA]: Nano Nexus (Void Edition)

Brand new at [REVOSA] (my Second Life store), and after quite a bit of time, the Nano Nexus line of shorts has received a “void” edition! Like previous shorts, this is fit for legacy, reborn, and maitreya, and is colored in ALL BLACK!

It has been quite some time since I’ve released anything, and my store over-all has had a much slower drip feed of products. This is partially due to my working offline in a job, but also partially due to me previously running a whole entire sim for over a year. Now that Neo Machina is tentatively closed for now, and possibly the foreseeable future, I have some more time to just focus on my store and it’s products.

As a place that’s been standing since 2015, it’s only right to keep it going.

Come see the new shorts in-world, and have a gander around the place, maybe grab some free stuff, a drink, and a hotdog!


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