
Prompt: Public Figures & the AI Lie

What public figure do you disagree with the most?

I haven’t answered one of these prompts in a while. Mostly because they’re usually unanswerable questions, i.e., things not worth talking about, or things I don’t feel like answering. Today’s prompt is all about public figures, and who I might most disagree with. One could say, Elon Musk! Or any number of megalomaniac billionaires, but I’d like to steer the topic in a different direction.

In a direction that addresses all public figures who push, shoehorn, and shove “AI” or “learning models” down everyone’s throats. I’m talking about every single tech company in 2024. Meta, Microsoft, Apple, Google, Amazon, etc.

Nobody asked for any of this. Artists didn’t ask to have their work ripped off for cheap hallucinations. Writers didn’t ask to have their words plagiarized so that some guy with no talent can generate a blog post (which completely defeats the purpose of having a blog). Musicians didn’t ask to have their compositions copied and remade with uncanny valley vocals for YouTubers to get rich from.

Nobody asked for any of this.

And yet … it exists. Or, at least it will, for the next 12-48 months, before data centers run out of power.

Aside from destroying creativity and human expression for fast profit, these LLMs, and I say “LLM” because artificial intelligence an unthinking algorithm does not make—besides from destroying the aforementioned things, “AI” consumes countries worth of power.

So we have crypto, we have NFTs, and now we have AI, all consuming planets worth of data and power to keep it all going, and for what? Because a million people think they’re temporarily embarrassed billionaires who might one day profit off the backs of people who did the work for them. Off the backs of people who gave no consent for any of this.

But it makes a lot of sense that this technology would come out of the tech world, which violates the consent of millions of artists and writers … considering that bubble’s relationship to women, and their rights in-general. But the tech world has always been simmering in fascism. It is, after all, one of the tenants of a fascist society to devalue and destroy the arts.

Is “AI” a symptom of a sick society? Yes. Is it fascist? Possibly. Does it need to be destroyed down to the very last piece of circuitry, along with its sister tech that serves the blockchain? Also, yes. Should we jail the CEOs and board investors who shoved this all down our throats? Absolutely, yes.

Forever and always, human expression and creativity will come first, and we will set fire to the profit-driven psychopaths sitting in their bunkers amidst the ruins of Silicon Valley, circa 2077.