
NETHERBOUND Chapter One Completed!

As of today, the rough draft for chapter one in the explosive, dark and moody sequel to Escape Velocity is complete! As I’ve mentioned before, I’m doing what I’m calling a “live rough drafting” of the story over on Tumblr for all to read as it happens.

If you haven’t seen any of it yet, or aren’t sure how to get to the beginning of the story, click this link to start from the beginning. Each section of chapter one has links at the top and the bottom for chapter navigation, should you get lost, or need to go backward. I’m sure Morgan wishes she could!

So far, as the story goes, we’ve met a brand new character in #thepaxseries (or so you think), trapped on a ship named the Tredecim (latin for the number thirteen). As she learns that the situation is less than beneficial to her survival, she sets out to not only figure out what happened, why everyone is dead, but to find the passcode that she needs in order to force the ship out of hyperspace.

Hyperspace, which she discovers to be the depths of a black hole.

Stay tuned for more!

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