
Hey It’s Maven! Who’s Maven?

So you’re posting on Mastodon, enjoying your digital life away from most of the tech blunders of integrating AI into everything for no reason. Your words are your own, you’ve got your robots.txt files organized nicely in your root directories, and everything is peaceful.

Life is good when corporations aren’t trying to plagiarize everything everyone’s ever written.

Enter: Technology Worker Dude # 4,104,210, or, Maven.

Sometime earlier today, on June 12th, 2024, an OpenAI backed project, or social network with no likes or faves and only people replying, that is also heavily infested with AI generated crap, used some code to ingest the whole ActivityPub fediverse. Just like that. Without mentioning it publicly, without uttering a single word.

Just sucked it all up like a vacuum fed into a garbage disposal.

Except that garbage disposal is the network feed of a website that is definitely not federating over ActivityPub.

As quoted in this article:

In addition to pulling in posts, the import process seems to be running AI sentiment analysis to add tags and relational data after content reaches Maven’s servers. This is a core part of Maven’s product: instead of follows or likes, a model trains itself on its own data in an attempt to surface unique content algorithmically.

It’s worth mentioning that Maven received 2 million dollars in funding from former Twitter CEO Ev Williams and OpenAI CEO Sam Altman.

Sean Tilley,

If you can make heads or tails of what exactly this guy’s AI was doing with all of our posts from Mastodon, I applaud you. Because it’s complete gibberish to me.

Taking out the dopamine feeding parts of a social network is already kind of a weird decision, but building one based around violating consent, I mean, I guess we all saw this coming. As I’ve said before, a lot of the tech world hates consent.

The people behind this have since halted ingestion and deleted everything that was scraped, for now. They haven’t said they weren’t going to do it again the second nobody’s looking.

It’s clear from the feedback on this thread that even our experiments with the tech were confusing to users and didn’t fit with other people’s expectations of how it should work.

We are currently pausing this integration, at least until we can better understand how Maven can fit in as a good citizen of the Fediverse.

Jimmy Secretan, CTO,

It takes a special kind of AI-muddled thought process to, instead of spending five minutes investigating how ActivityPub works, you just hook up some AI and download the whole damn thing. And then act surprised when people rightfully tell you that’s not how it works, and you can’t just shove an AI into an open space and expect a “Thank you.”

But this isn’t really a surprise, since they advertise AI-scraped sludge directly on their homepage.

“I believe that Midjourney is a great way to get started learning about generative art.”

You mean, a great way to get started being a pariah that everyone hates. Sure. You put that on your main page as a focal point.

I can’t emphasize enough how much I would love if all the data centers containing the code running these things, across every network, just suddenly exploded. Take it all back to zero, and then put up a digital wall, like in Cyberpunk 2077 when they built a whole new internet that isn’t infested with garbage.

But it seems, this will just continue to be a constant fight against greed, the death of creativity, and Sam Altman.

16 responses to “Hey It’s Maven! Who’s Maven?”

  1. @cmdr_nova this also affected people on the real libre Fediverse, not just Mastodon

  2. @cmdr_nova

    How the hell can they be surprised at a negative reaction to finding out that some techbros have engaged in digital identity theft and you are a victim?

  3. @cmdr_nova To use the name of a famous repository for dependencies is also a huge violation.

  4. @cmdr_nova

    Not the most important thing, but this

    that even our experiments with the tech were confusing to users

    In these people's minds, you're either an AI acolyte or you are "confused". There is no legitimate criticism.

  5. @cmdr_nova

    "It’s worth mentioning that Maven received 2 million dollars in funding from former Twitter CEO Ev Williams and OpenAI CEO Sam Altman"

    Realize that 2 million dollars is chump change to these tech bros

    A rounding error

    But even so these "investors" certainly expect an ROI – a return on their investment

    What part of #Maven's haul is to be monetized to generate shareholder value – to ensure these parasites receive an adequate ROI – and how?

    1. @FinchHaven @cmdr_nova I've come to wonder whether this 'investment' isn't also a statement, a way of saying « We buzz tech millionaires consider THIS project to be worthwhile » and by default the Fediverse's co-constructed and federated projects are not worth a look.

      Whether it's Bluesky or Nostr, every time there's money, headlines and the subtitle of supporting a "worthy" project backed by the VC tech world … playing down free initiatives.

      I could be wrong but that's the feeling I get 🤔

    2. @cmdr_nova

      OK, at Thursday 06/13/2024 04:51:32 PDT I'm going to update this once and let it ride, re: #Maven

      As of eight hours ago, @jsecretan has effectively run up the white flag

      At Github:

      "This data has all been removed."

      Note that all the relevant Issues on Github have been Closed, so they're hard to find unless you know what to look for; they are here:

      Issues: is:issue is:closed


      cc @stefan

  6. @cmdr_nova

    As @faduda says.

    Burn the servers.

  7. @cmdr_nova

    I keep thinking that even if it had been a regular instance with likes and follows etc. – that still wouldn’t make feeding the whole timeline to a so-called „AI“ okay with me.

  8. @cmdr_nova For those still enamored with former Blogger and Twitter CEO Ev Williams…

    Well, he's a tech billionaire now who also owns Medium, which he has run in a notoriously anti-union way, using union busting tactics.

  9. @cmdr_nova Just in case people don't remember billionaire Ev Williams hiring of union busting consultants, and use of aggressive union busting tactics… including an effort to encourage pro-union workers to leave his company.

  10. @cmdr_nova @brook we adding these maven cats to the garden fence blocklist?

  11. @cmdr_nova @trendless seems like behaviour that should be blocked. And of course it's impossible to verify they actually deleted the scrape.

  12. @cmdr_nova Maven is an existing Apache product. I hope they sue for reputational damage.

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