
Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice

Beetlejuice Beetlejuice finally has a trailer (did I say Beetlejuice enough times?) and I feel it looks interesting, maybe pretty cool, but where are the Maitlands?

I did some reading from a few searches on the quickly declining Google, and it appears the original actors (Alex Baldwin and Geena Davis) won’t be reprising their roles because … “Ghosts don’t age.” And that’s all fine and dandy, but I have a rebuttal!

It’s fiction.

As a writer, you could easily slip something into the script, like, “Well, usually ghosts don’t age, but the effects of Sandworms and Saturn cause unexpected side effects.” And that’s just spit-balling. I didn’t even put any thought into that.

One of the main comedic, or the best parts of the original film, Beetlejuice, were the Maitlands. Because they were just regular normal people who suddenly died. Regular, boring people who didn’t really do anything remarkable besides own a nice house out in the country. I feel like removing that, kind of, sort of, removes a part of Beetlejuice.

But hey, we also don’t have the full movie yet, and I’m definitely going to go see it while wearing a black and white striped shirt. Because … I believe I am now as old as Michael Keaton was when he starred in the original role.

To think in 36 years I could be writing about Beetlejuice again, but for very different reasons.

I don’t know, though, what do you think? Is Beetlejuice Beetlejuice minus the Maitlands feeling like a net positive, or negative to you?

As a side note, it’s my birthday on Sunday (the 26th), so I’m not going to ramble on too long in my posts this weekend. I’d like a little bit of rest, you know? But you should check out my debt relief fundraiser and share it around.

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