
Prompt: My Biggest Time Wasters

How do you waste the most time every day?

In today’s writing prompt, we’re asked how we waste the most time every day. I feel like this can be really subjective, and it matters most what you consider a “waste of time.” I feel like, if you’re making progress toward a passion, or something you enjoy doing, then ultimately, that thing isn’t a waste of time. But, there are definitely things that I know I could personally cut down on, in order to expand the amount of time I have to do things each day.

Such as sitting for hours scrolling social media, posting every once in a while, and then continuing. I kind of do this a lot when I’m in “waiting mode,” or when I’m nervous, or thinking about what needs to be done the next day. It leaves me feeling like I never have time for the things I need and want to do, but “unpacking” and just existing is something I frequently feel like I also need to do.

Maybe in that way, I’m not really wasting time. I’m just recovering energy.

I’ve always been kind of an introvert. Heck, I won’t even write the first message to people on dating apps, even though I get matches all the time. And this has been one of the major driving factors as to why I’m still single.

But it’s true, I need a lot of time to exist, and without outside interference or noise. I’m not sure why I’ve gotten like this, or how I became a person who needs a lot of me-time. It’s just how it is now.

If I think back to my twenties, I remember I spent all my time working, drinking, and meeting girls. It took me nearly a decade to write a single book, and that was the only thing I was working on. I was unfocused, I wasn’t really doing much to better myself, and then twenty-nine hit like a Mack truck.

Maybe the biggest issue with time, is just that there’s never enough of it to go around. You can’t pause time, you can’t rewind time. But you can definitely watch it move forward, with, or without you. And as you get older, it seems to go faster and faster.

One evening is spent having some drinks and scrolling your phone, and suddenly it’s two weeks later and nothing significant has changed in your life.

Suddenly, it’s a year later, and you’re still in the same spot.

Time just keeps on going, doesn’t it?

I think the biggest waste of time is thinking about time. Because it’s just going to keep flowing, regardless of what you do, and it’s ridiculous to think that every single person should be making massive strides with every inch of time they have. Statistically, that’s impossible. You need time to unpack, you need time to just, exist, to be human.

The idea of “wasting time” is something that emerged from a society that expects you to work and be productive until you retire, or die. And we all know what retirement is going to look like in thirty to forty years.

Enjoy your time, however you see fit, while you still have it.

One response to “Prompt: My Biggest Time Wasters”

  1. I spent my Sunday shitposting on X and buying a guy’s book because he has a peachy rear! I’d say that’s more productive than I’ll be at work tomorrow 😀

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