
#TheSims4 ‘VampHouse Challenge’

A lot of the times, at least when I’m in Sims 4, I have a tendency to start new games over and over again, without any clear goals as to what I want to do. Not even most of the challenges can make it easy for me to finally just stick with something. Part of this is due to the fact that my original game was awesome, but I messed it up with too much modding and game-altering with things like MCCC (a mod I would highly recommend for story progression, and especially this challenge, at least, if you want your offspring to make their own lives without your intervention).

So, in the spirit of my original game, and in order to give myself hundreds of hours of game-play, I wrote up a challenge loosely based around the Legacy Challenge, except much, much longer, completely ridiculous, and based on real events that took place in my original game.

The challenge itself is much too large to paste into this blog post, so I have it hosted here via my Google Drive where you can read up on how to get started, and what’s expected in order to complete it (this challenge will likely take you a minimum of 500 some in-game hours to even come close to finishing).

Be sure to use the hashtag on the Sims 4 gallery to download some starting homes, or sims, and save what you make there if you like! I will surely check them out and maybe even introduce new sims into my own game.

One of the biggest things about this, though, is that it is based on your main founder sims both being vampires, but not before you’ve had one child to a random sim in the world whom you will later divorce. That’s just one of the pieces of drama that you’re required to create in order to finish sections of this challenge. Another piece being the death of a sibling during a particular wedding, and a basement dedicated to the murder of random sims, including the Landgraabs.

And this is all before you make it to part two of the challenge, the vampire hunting section.

Technically you could play and complete part one and call it a day, but this challenge is, as mentioned earlier, designed to be a long-road sort of game that takes you forever to complete. Without further ado, though, enjoy! (and let me know if you have any issues with this challenge, as I’ll be revising and updating as needed)

You can reach me either by commenting here, or via Mastodon.

Here’s what you’ll find from me in the hashtag on the gallery, in order to help get you started (if you like):

Morgan Karga, the original ‘vampire spouse’ from the game that inspired this challenge.

Donovan Karga, an alternate male variation of Morgan Karga, for those who aren’t interested in a female spouse.

An 1800 simolean starter ‘home’ for the Bargain Bend lot, with all the essentials to get you going.

And, finally, an under-20k-starter for your future vampire spouse

At that, you now have the tools to get your game underway!