
Neo Machina [02]: Updates from the Highrise

Hello everyone! Today I’m putting out chronicle number two on my city in Second Life, Neo Machina. I don’t have a whole lot to talk about, as updates and other things have been a bit slow due to my day job (it’s always eating up all of my energy), but I still do have some news.

Firstly, I’d like to remind all residents who rent in the city to please remember to … come back and pay your rent if you’re using one of the apartment or store spots. I’m not saying this just because I want your money or something, but largely because, right now, since the city is a Homestead, prims are being strategically used and saved. This means that apartments and shop kiosks that are rented are using those prims, and if you’ve decided to take up residence elsewhere, please do me the courtesy of indicating you won’t renew.

On that topic, the fourth floor of the apartment highrise is now available to rent! Have you ever dreamed of living in a dystopian city on the verge of the apocalypse as the sun expands to an explosive conclusion? Well, now you can.

Currently, for all spots in the city, rent is 75 linden for 50 prims, per week.

I had one resident tell me this was expensive, but she was coming from the reference point of renting space in a sandbox where you have no privacy or theme. So her opinion was a bit skewed. 75 linden a week for 50 prims is pretty cheap, if you’ve gone anywhere else in Second Life (especially places held by these multi-decade land barons).

In other news, I announced a while back that all visitors to the city were free to take photos (cyberpunk themed, preferably), and submit them to me (nova ayashi) to be hung in the city! I’m doing this because in a lot of other scifi/cyberpunk themed cities, I see a lot of photos hanging of random models found on Google, or things taken from videogames. I thought it might be cool to, instead, hang up photos of people who are actually in Second Life. So, send in your photos!

And, lastly, I’ve been making some small updates to the city that I feel add to the creepiness factor a bit. Something … liminal has been converging on select parts of the back roads.

That is it for now! Thank you for taking the time to read about Neo Machina, and I’ll see you there!